  • New Ameristep 4NAS031 Hunting Blind/Treestand Accessories Tree Step (Pack of 8)
4NAS031 Amerstep Green Ebay

New Ameristep 4NAS031 Hunting Blind/Treestand Accessories Tree Step (Pack of 8)

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Ameristep Hunting Ground Blinds & Accessories | Hunting success begins with the element of surprise. That’s what Ameristep has given hunters for over 20 years: ground blinds & accessories that cleverly conceal positions from up above and down below The extra-large Grizzly Tree Step is a beast. Extended 6-inch area can hold up to 1,250 lbs insuring all the gear you need makes it up into your tree stand 2-inch thread length self-tapping screw ensures quick and easy installation no tools needed | Small design easily stows in pack Non-reflective finish eliminates glare and distraction | Deeply knurled for safe climbing Includes: Eight tree steps

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