  • New Warrior Maverik Axiom Composite Complete Women's Lacrosse Stick  Black
3002331 Wmn 32 In Blk/Blk

New Warrior Maverik Axiom Composite Complete Women's Lacrosse Stick Black

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Pass. Shoot. Dodge. Be a triple threat. Always ready on attack to control the outcome. Minimum legal pinched face shape channels the ball to the sweet spot for a quick release on the move. Scoop shape optimized for accurate passing and shooting. Shielded sidewall and scoop holes protect stringing from wear and tear. Stiff sidewall design delivers greater energy transfer during shooting. Swivel+ Pocket strung for maximum high pocket hold, keeping ball in the sweet spot and increasing ball control. Complete with the Axiom composite shaft. Proudly strung in New York.

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