  • New Xenith X2E Adult Small Football Helmet No Facemask
  • New Xenith X2E Adult Small Football Helmet No Facemask
  • New Xenith X2E Adult Small Football Helmet No Facemask
X2E Wht Adt Sm No FM

New Xenith X2E Adult Small Football Helmet No Facemask

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VARSITY PROTECTION IN A YOUTH HELMET! The X2E Youth football helmet features the same technology & protection as the X2E Varsity helmet. Tighten chinstraps for an instant, custom fit. NO PUMPS NEEDED! Aware FlowX2E shock absorber technology "Adapts to the Hit," providing an optimal response to linear impacts, ranging high to low Shock Bonnetacts as a suspension system, allowing the helmet and shell to move independently, which helps deflect rotational forces Facemask not included

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